Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Evaluation Chapter3 Terms in Using ICT

A. Multiple Choice
  1. A
  2. E
  3. D
  4. A
  5. E
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
B. Essay
  1. Name several factors that make someone prefer using illegal software. *Low income, Low education level, The cost of a permit or licensed software is relatively expensive, Low law enforcement, Lack of awareness to use genuine software.
  2. Describe the difference between etchis and morality in the society. *Ethics are a concept of acknowledgement by the society towards human thoughts, which means that this concept evolves following men's true values. Whereas, morality is a code of conduct or a common conception of what is right according to the society.
  3. What is meant by the patent rights of a product? *Exclusive rights granted by the State to an Inventor of the Invention in the technology, which for a given period Invention implement their own or to give consent to another party to implement them.
  4. Explain the correct position/posture to use a computer. *The good sitting position is to sit on a seat with a back-rest, and the head is not so high in order to keep the linear distance with the monitor. The good viewing distance between a monitor and the eyes is around 46-47 cm. 
  5. What is the abbreviation oj HAKI? *Hak Cipta dan Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

Chapter 2 Understanding Fuctions And Operations Of Various ICT

A. Multiple Choice
1. A.every input that is received by a computer
2. A. an input thats is received by a computer
3.B. user-input-CPU-output-user
4. B. base-2 umber system
5. E. 0 and 1
6. E. 8
7. C. speaker
8. B. control unit
9. B. Man
10. C. ring topology

1.The letter W is represented by the number code 87.
2. A. control unit is to translate comands in a series and then continoues them to the entire computer prats.
B. arithmetic logic unit (AU) is tto process data by adding, substractig, comparing, and using logical formulas.
C. memory is collect data to run an appliction program. the capability depens on the memory capacity, which is state in byte, kybte, mybte and gbyte unit.
3.ROM (Read Only Memory). ROM is to save computer operation progrm, such as BIOS and booting.
4.ethernet, arcnet, and token rig.
-STP cable (shielded twisted pair)
-Coaxial Cable

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

Chapter 1.Basic Operating System

A. Multiple Choice
  1. A
  2. C
  3. E
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B

B. Essay
  1. How to turn on computer properly
Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dg benar !!!!!!!!
1. Bagaimanakah cara menghidupkan komputer yang benar ??
2. Apakah yang anda ketahui tentang tombol reset ??
3. Sebutkan beberapa cara mengaktifkan aplikasi pada sistem windows vista !!
4. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan office suite ?? Sebutkan contohnya !!
5. Sebutkan contoh-contoh sistem aplikasi yang bisa digunakan pada sistem oprasi windows vista !!
1. - Pastikan semua kabel power di komputer sudah terhubung dengan jaringan listrik .
- Hidupkan CPU dengan menekan tombol ON atau power di casing .
- Hidupkan monitor dengan menekan tombol ON atau power di monitor .
- Tunggu sampai prosedur booting selesai yang di tandai dengan tampilan gambar dekstop di monitor, dan menunjukkan tampilan dekstop sistem operasi windows vista .
2. Tombol reset hanya digunakan pada saat komputer tidak memberikan respon apapun, agar dapat menjalankan kembali sistem operasi atau aplikasi yang tidak stabil.
3. # Melalui shortcut yang terdapat di dekstop
* klik dua kali ( double klik ) pada shortcut a[plikasi yang dijalankan.
# Melalui start menu
* start menu -> all programs -> nama folder aplikasi -> klik nama aplikasi
* start menu -> ketik nama aplikasi pada kolom start search kemudian menekan tombol enter .
# Melalui file document yang bersangkutan
* mengklik dua kali (double klik ) sebuah file atau aplikasi.
4. Office suite adalah perangkat lunak pengolah kata digunakan untuk keperluan membuat document surat, buku, laporan, skripsi, karya tulis, dll
Contohnya adalah microsoft office 2007,, Abiword
5. Sistem aplikasi yg bisa digunakan pada sistem operasi windows vista, antara lain:
• Note pad
• Word pad
• Paint
• Windows media player 11
• Internet explorer 7

In english
1. - Make sure all power cables in the computer is connected to the electricity network.
- Turn on the CPU by pressing the ON button or the power in the casing.
- Turn on the monitor by pressing the ON button or power on the monitor.
- Wait until the procedure is finished booting of the mark with the desktop picture display on the monitor, and shows the desktop operating system windows vista.
2. Reset button is only used when the computer does not give any response, in order to run the operating system or application that is not stable.
3. # Through the shortcut on the desktop contained
* Double click (double click) on the shortcut a [pplications are running.
# Through the start menu
* Start menu -> all programs -> name of application folder -> click the application name
* Start menu -> type the name of the application on the start search field and then press the enter key.
# Through the related document files
* Click twice (double click) a file or application.
4. Office suite of word processing software is used for the purpose of making document letters, books, reports, theses, papers, etc.
5. System applications can be used on windows vista operating system, among others:
• Note pad
• Word pad
• Paint
• Windows media player 11
• Internet Explorer 7